Be familiar with banking operation, such as deposit, loan, payment and debit cards. 熟悉一种以上银行业务(如储蓄、信贷、清算、银行卡业务等);
Yet state-owned banks are the dominant bond investors, state-owned entities are the main bond issuers, and government-controlled deposit and loan rates are the biggest influence on bond prices. 国有银行是主要的债券投资者,国有企业是主要的债券发行人,而政府管制下的存贷款利率是影响债券价格的最大因素。
We have current savings account, time savings account and large deposit. Loan of housing accumulation fund is executed put borrow couple, after be being put first, borrow, whole borrow 0 still, the principle that loan assures. 我们办理活期储蓄存款、定期存款和大额存款。住房公积金贷款实行存贷结合、先存后贷、整借零还、贷款担保的原则。
In China monetary supply is indirectly controlled while the deposit and loan interest rate is directly controlled. 我国对货币供应量实行的是间接调控,对存贷款利率实行的是直接调控。
Freeing up deposit rates and abandoning the fixed spread between deposit and loan rates would result in better returns for depositors and encourage banks to sharpen their lending practices. 放开存款利率和不再设置固定的存贷息差,将为储户带来更高的回报,并鼓励银行提高放贷效率。
The sharp reduction of deposit and loan interest rates on June 10 has shown desired effect. 6月10日大幅度降低银行存贷款利率已达到预期目的。
The general account is opened in the bank other than the bank of basic account; this account can be used to loan deposit, loan return or cash deposit, but can not draw cash from it. 是指存款人因借款或其他结算需要在基本帐户开户行以外的银行机构办理的银行结算帐户,本帐户可以办理借款转存,借款归还以及现金缴存,但不得办理现金支取。
Analysis on Institutional Barriers in the Market-oriented Reformation of RMB Deposit and Loan Interest Rates 人民币存款利率市场化改革的制度性的障碍分析
Banks with higher idiosyncratic volatility recorded lower deposit loan ratio, which reflects the effectiveness of internal governance of commercial banks. 银行股价的非系统性波动与银行的存贷比具有显著的负相关关系,这也反映出银行内部治理的效果。
These became its basic business; the main target of deposit and loan was the local government department. 这些成为省行的基本业务,存放款商业性业务的主要对象则是政府部门。
Decrease the rate of interest on deposit 、 loan and deposit reserve; 进一步调低商业银行存贷款利率和存款准备金利率;
Research on the Deposit and Loan Interest Rate Liberalization in China 我国存贷款利率市场化研究
This paper also discussed the strategic arrangements and the concrete measures of the deposit and loan interest rate liberalization and the influences on the macro economy and the relevant participants. 本文还探讨了推进存贷款利率市场化的战略部署和初步设想,并研究存贷款利率市场化对宏观经济和各相关主体的影响。
This paper discusses the income model of bank's deposit and loan, makes use of the technology of analogue computer to simulate the best value of bank absorbing deposit and gives its results as well. 本文对银行存贷款的收益模型进行了讨论,利用计算机模拟技术对银行吸收存款的最佳值进行了计算机模拟,并给出了模拟的结果。
This paper analyzes the deposit and loan operation innovation and introduces its credit risk control and credit evaluation system, and reveals the inner relation between the credit behavior of RCC and the building of the credit conception of the rural residents. 本文详尽解析了LD联社的存贷款业务创新和贷款风险控制与信用评估体系,并揭示了农村信用社信贷行为与农民信用意识培育之间的深刻内在联系。
How to calculate the nominal interest of deposit loan financial assets& meager opinion on the accounting method in Annex B of Chapter XIX of 1993 SNA 如何核算存贷款类金融资产名义利息&1993年SNA《第19章附录二》中核算方法的刍议
Remittance, deposit and loan were made up of Piaohao's basic businesses. 汇兑、存款、放款构成了票号的基本业务。
The model considers the income generated from loan, loan cost and relationship between deposit and loan. 该模型综合考虑了贷款产生的收入、成本以及“关联存贷”等方面对于信贷额度分配的影响。
Meanwhile, the financial industry also provided basic credit service such as deposit, loan, exchange, etc. to industrial and commercial business and other customers. This is the basic status and role of private financial industry in Shanghai at that time. 同时金融业又为工商经济和其他客户提供了存款、放款、汇兑等基本的信用服务,这就是该时期上海私营金融业的基本地位和作用。
Chapter Six studies the future reform on the basis of institutional reform conditions analysis, such as the reform of deposit and loan interest rate marketization and the reform of the state owned commercial bank. 其中第六章对今后利率市场化改革要推进的存贷款利率市场化改革和国有商业银行改革,进行了制度性条件分析;
China's commercial banks now have many difficulties to compete with foreign banks by their traditional operation of deposit and loan and have to inaugurate new profit sources. Thus, it is imminence for our banks to study the immediate business of commercial banking. 我国商业银行靠传统的存贷业务,已难以与外资银行竞争,必须开辟新的利润来源,对商业银行中间业务的研究,便成为当前我国商业银行研究的迫切课题。
Among them, directors of 336 deposit and loan institutions deselected of duty and neglected of caution. 其中,倒闭的336家存贷款机构不同程度上存在董事玩忽职守、疏于谨慎的问题。
The deposit and loan interest rate control, exchange rate floating range limit, the capital flow control, transaction cost, risk premium and other factors all have an effect on the normal operation of the conduction mechanism between exchange rate and interest rate. 我国目前对存贷款利率的管制、汇率浮动幅度限制、对资本自由流动的管制、现实中存在的交易成本和风险补偿等因素都影响了利率汇率传导机制的正常运行。
Because its scope of business is very small, only basic deposit and loan business. 因为其业务范围小,只有基本的存贷款业务。
This study results show that the deposit loan balance, interest rate, inflation rate, stock index returns, consumption growth, the same sentiment and affect bank deposit-loan ratio of interest income, non-interest income and total income of the seven factors. 本文的研究结果表明存款贷款余额、利差、通货膨胀率、股票指数收益率、消费增长率、&致景气指数以及存贷比率为影响银行利息收入、非利息收入以及总收入的七大因素。
Commercial bank assets is mainly loans, while the main source of income is the difference between deposit and loan interest. 商业银行的资产主要是贷款,而主要的收入来源则是存贷间的利息差额。
Retail banking business means comprehensive and integrated financial services that commercial banks provide for individuals, families, small and medium-sized enterprises, including deposit and loan, settlement, remittances and investment banking business. 零售银行业务是指商业银行为个人、家庭和中小企业提供的综合性、一体化的金融服务,包括存取款、贷款、结算、汇兑和投资理财等业务。
The results show that in one year the deposit and loan interest rates have declared role on the stock market, But the effects of the interest rate to the stock market may be opposited the theory. 结果表明,一年期定期存贷款利率变化对股市有一定的宣告作用,但是利率对股市的影响效果也会出现与理论相反的情况。
Aware of this, the four major state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock banks have taken measures such as strengthening brand building and strengthening the capacity of deposit and loan pricing, deposits and loans to enhance marketing efforts, and actively expand the intermediate business to improve its profitability. 意识到这&点,四大国有商业银行及股份制银行纷纷采取措施如加强品牌建设、增强存贷款定价能力、加强存贷款营销力度,积极拓展中间业务的方式提高其盈利能力。
As the development of Chinese social economy and financial market, business bank faces good opportunity to use intermediate business to avoid homogeneous competition in deposit and loan business. 社会经济的持续发展和金融市场的逐步完善,对商业银行通过发展中间业务以有效回避传统存贷业务同质化竞争提供了良好的发展前景。